The primary aim of maths at Pixmore is to enable children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. Throughout their time here, pupils will have opportunities to develop their fluency of core skills, giving them confidence with mathematics for the future.
In Maths all pupils will:
- experience a ‘teaching for mastery curriculum’ focusing on mathematical thinking, representation and structure, fluency, coherence and variation.
- question and challenge using convincing and justifying
- be exposed to Maths in real life situations
- be able to know how and which resources to use to help them solve and question and get these for themselves
- work together collaboratively
- use a CPA approach to consolidate understanding
- master different skills through exploring variation
- become fluent in basic number and times table facts
- be familiar with a lesson learning journey using small steps
- have high expectations of themselves and persevere, asking for support when needed and using examples and learning walls etc to support their learning.
- reason coherently
- use speaking frames confidently
- use correct mathematical vocabulary with a deep understanding and confidence
- conjecture and verbalise thoughts
- take part in World Maths Day and STEM week
- be able to decode a problem and apply the appropriate skills and methods
- be proud of their maths learning and books
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Year 3 |
Place Value (regrouping) Counting on and Back Estimation and Rounding Mental Addition and Subtraction Problem Solving |
Written Addition and Subtraction Angles, Right Angles and Estimation Vertical, Horizontal, Perpendicular and Parallel Lines Perimeter 2D and 3D Shape |
Multiplication Division Statistics (interpreting bar charts, tables and pictograms) Telling Time (analogue and digital, am and pm) Roman Numerals |
Time (duration) Fractions (finding fractions of amounts, ordering and comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, problem solving) Addition and Subtraction Recap |
Multiplication (multiplying multiples of 10) Formal, Written Multiplication Revision of 3D Shapes Division (formal, long division) |
Place Value (with decimals) Measures: Length, Capacity and Volume Time (revision) Money Four Operations Revision |
Year 4 |
Place value Number + - (formal written and mental fluency) x (counting in multiples Factor pairs |
Problem solving Multiplication and division ( by 10 and 100) Measure Discrete and continuous data |
Perimeter Properties of shape Symmetry Decimal numbers and calculating with decimals Measure with money |
Fractions Multiplying and dividing using formal written method |
Multiplication and division Time Geometry
Geometry Statistics Area Fractions Negative numbers |
Year 5 |
Place value Rounding Decimals Negative numbers Properties of numbers Prime numbers Add and subtract mentally |
Formal addition and subtraction Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 Multiplication by 1 digit Multiplication by 2 digits Long division Short division |
Fractions: equivalent, compare and order, add and subtract, multiply Percentages Problem solving with percentages |
Measures Imperial and metric conversions Area Perimeter Volume
Shape (reflection, and translation) Angles Polygons Time Roman numerals
Statistics Problem solving: · Multiply and divide · Four operations · Missing numbers · FDP
Year 6 |
Place Value Mental and written calculation Multiples, Factors and primes Fractions- ordering and comparing, addition and subtraction |
FDP Calculating with fractions Written methods- x and ÷ Measure- Area and perimeter
Angles and Shape (Circles) Geometry- reflections/translation Statistics – Ratio and proportion |
Calculating with decimals Measures- conversions Time Algebra Revision |
Revision of Year 6 curriculum in Mathematics Arithmetic Reasoning questions Problem solving Investigations |
Arithmetic Reasoning questions Problem solving Investigations
Young Enterprise Project |