Rushby Mead
Letchworth Garden City

01462 620555

Pixmore Junior School

Health & Wellbeing

Will you take part in our 'Mindful March' Challenge?

Teaching the children about Good Hygiene Habits

Teaching children about the importance of having healthy minds and bodies is an important aspect of their learning, which we take very seriously at Pixmore School. Opportunities to learn about these aspects are embedded into the curriculum in order to provide real-life contexts for the children so that children can link them to their own experiences. 

In Year 3, the children do the NHPCC Pants Programme, which teaches them about body awarness and keeping themselves safe. As part of our Learning for Life (PSHE) programme, we do Protective Behaviours work with all children every term in class, and through assemblies. We teach the children the key messages that everyone has a right to feel safe, that others have a right to feel safe with us, and that there is nothing too small or too awful that they can’t talk to someone about it. This is an important part of our safeguarding as we recognise that empowering children to be self-aware can help them to discriminate between safe and unsafe behaviour in their lives, and to recognise that adults in school will listen to them if they have a problem, no matter how big or small.

Through themed assemblies, cross-curricular linked work and Learning for Life (PSHE) lessons, children learn about growing up, and changes that will affect them, bullying, esafety, healthy eating, exercise, health, and ill-health, including how medical conditions can affect people, personal hygiene and relationships. They learn to celebrate difference and to develop a healthy respect for individuality, including lifestyle and sexuality. 

When to talk to your child about puberty


Children usually receive their first lesson about puberty at school in Year 5. Sex and relationships education (SRE) isn’t compulsory in primary schools, although most schools think it is important to tackle puberty, which is a live issue for them given that puberty starts for girls between the ages of eight and 13 and boys between nine and 14.

Those aspects of sex and growing up that form part of the national science curriculum do have to be covered. The 2015 National Curriculum for Year 5 Science includes bodily changes, saying that: ‘Pupils should be taught to describe the changes as humans develop to old age’ – which may well be interpreted as covering puberty.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from lessons about puberty and sex where these form part of SRE, but not from lessons that form part of the national science curriculum.


Tips on talking to your child about puberty

Even if your child is taught about sex education at school in informative and high-quality lessons, it is still a good idea to talk to them about growing up. It is important that they feel they can talk to you and come to you with questions in the confusing and challenging time that is puberty. We are aware that children are exploring their identity at this age. We respect the fact that children may need extra support with this, such as those confused about their sexual identity or orientation. Please come into school and speak with us if you feel your child needs additional support.

Below are a few top tips to support you in supporting your child when discussing puberty:

  • It is best to introduce the topic of puberty to your child as young as you are comfortable with, so they know about it before they start developing.
  • Ask your child’s school about the kind of lessons they will have on the topic and when they will happen. Visit our Learning for Life Curriculum page for detailed curriculum overviews and our long term plan. You can then tailor your talk based on what they will learn/ have already
  • Try to avoid making it a formal, daunting process. Keep the conversation light and short in a relaxed, comfortable environment. It doesn’t have to be a 40-minute lecture – a quick 10 minute chat about what happens to your body as you grow older would be a good enough start. Our piece on talking about sex might help you: the suggestions in this article can also be applied to talking about puberty.
  • Let your child know you’re always happy to answer any questions they have, or, if they’d prefer, suggest they talk to another family member or trusted adult – maybe an older brother or sister or close family friend.

Useful Links and Information for Parents about Sex and Puberty

The PSHE Association


Puberty for boys:

Puberty for girls:


Brook – articles on body parts, puberty, keeping clean and more


Sex Education Forum – organisation that works to achieve quality SRE


Planned parenthood – information and advice:


Information and support for children, parents and carers of children who are transgender:

Support and Advice for Parents and Carers

NESSIE also have their own website with useful links and can be found by following the link:

Another useful and very child friendly site for the family about well-being from Cues-ed:

 Other General Resources for Parents


This releases chemicals, in your body, like endorphins and serotonin that help to improve your mood. If you exercise regularly, it can reduce your stress and symptoms of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.


This can help children to regulate their emotions, thereby having fewer meltdowns, reduce their impulsivity and improve concentration and focus.


Mindfulness colouring is a relaxing and calming activity that can also encourage children to explore their creativity while improving fine motor skills.



Self-esteem helps children cope with mistakes and build their resilience. It helps them try again, even if they fail at first. As a result, self-esteem will help them do better at school, at home, and with friends. Children with low self-esteem feel unsure of themselves, so improving self-esteem, improves confidence.


Important now more than ever but educating children on good hygiene is the best way to avoid the spread of infection and disorders; teaching the principles of correct hygiene at an early age can help keep individuals healthy in later life, and be taught to future generations.

Nutrition and Diet

Eating a nutritious diet helps you keep a healthy body. It also helps reduce your risk of developing some chronic diseases. New research finds that your food choices may also affect your mood and mental health. This is sometimes called the “food-mood connection.”


Self-care is about the things that we can do to look after our own mental health.


Personal reflection allows us to grow as human beings. It allows us to review what we have already done and think about targets and goals we would like for ourselves.

Children could keep a diary to write down their thoughts, feelings and emotions. They may even want to add newspaper articles about the current situation, as they are experiencing a unique moment in history.

This can be used to make sense of new emotions and uncertainty.