Rushby Mead
Letchworth Garden City

01462 620555

Pixmore Junior School


Fun Family Djembe Drumming session

Year 4 Recorders performance of Jingle Bells

Year 6 Guitar Lesson Group performance

Year 6 Violin Solo performance

At Pixmore we strive to support all learners to become confident in exploring, listening to, composing and performing music in order to prepare them for future musical opportunities and to give them the confidence in this area. This supports the school’s curriculum aim: ‘Include, achieve, inspire’.


Pixmore's Music Aims

  • Throughout their time in school they will be given composition opportunities to encourage them to be creative
  • All children will learn an instrument (Ocarina - Year 3, Recorder - Year 4, Djembe drums – Year 5, Glockenspiel - Year 6)
  • Children will have access to a variety of instruments.
  • When learning about different types of music different cultures will be discussed.
  • Children will be encouraged to be resourceful when making music (e.g body parts for sounds)
  • Many concerts and trips allow them to participate in memorable activities.
  • Any music the children produce will be celebrated as an achievement.


Pixmore Music Lessons

Pixmore has recently begun to use Kapow to guide our music lessons in school. Each year group has 4 units which they will cover over the course of the year, alongside instrumental lessons.


 Extra curricular

  • Children have an opportunity to learn either guitar or violin taught by peripatetic external teachers in school time once a week. These are taught either one to one or in small groups depending of the needs of each individual.
  • A musical theatre club is also available where attendees can further develop acting, singing and dancing skills. Each term we share our achievements with parents and carers.
  • Additional trips are run whenever possible to places such as the Royal Albert Hall or the O2 Arena for further larger choir opportunities and experiences.
  • Annually the children prepare performances for a whole school Christmas podcast, which is available on the website for parents, family members and the wider community to access. Our most recent Christmas Podcast can be found below:

Music Development Plan (including long term map of units covered by each year group)

Music Development Plan 2024-2025