Rushby Mead
Letchworth Garden City

01462 620555

Pixmore Junior School

School Day & Attendance


The school day

8:30am               School gates and classroom doors open
8:40-8:50am      School day starts/Registration

8:50am               The first session starts

*Children arriving after 8:50am will be marked as late and will need to enter through the school office.

10:30-10:45am   Morning break
12:15-1:15pm       Lunchtime
3:15pm                School finishes for all children.

Please ensure that your child is picked up by 3.30pm at the latest as school staff often have clubs to run and meetings to attend.
It is important that we know what the pick up arrangements are for your child, particularly if they are changed for any reason. If children are not collected by you or we are unsure of collection arrangements, the child will be asked to wait in the School Office until they are picked up.

Year 3 & 4 enter and exit the school through the Pedestrian Gate and line up on the playground opposite your year group door. At the end of the day, we ask parents to please space out whilst waiting on the playground to collect your child so teachers and children can more easily see you!

Year 5 & 6 enter and exit the school through the Cycle Gate. In the morning, a member of staff will be at the inside gate to welcome the children and see them safely onto the playground, where they will line up before being collected by their class teachers. At the end of the day, pupils can walk/cycle/scoot home or be collected. Parents waiting to collect, please wait on the grass just inside the cycle gate.

Promoting Good Attendance Assembly Sept 2024

Class 3J

For the Best Attendance over the 1st half of the Spring Term 2025!!

Teaching the children about Good Hygiene Habits


Good attendance is essential if progress and learning are to be maintained. If your child is absent please telephone the School Office on the morning of the first day of absence, if possible by 9:00am (there is an answerphone so please leave a message if we can’t get
to the telephone).
It is our policy to contact any parent from whom we have not received a message. In this way we can ensure that the whereabouts of all children is known.

Punctuality at the beginning of the school day is vital for life learning habits. If your child arrives after 8:50am they must report to the School Office to be signed in so we can ensure that they are registered on the school system and check any lunch arrangements.
We take non attendance very seriously and make unannounced ‘welfare home visits’ (usually a member of the Senior Leadership Team and a colleague) to check if all is well with the child - whose welfare is our prime concern.

In addition, our Family Support Worker, Head Teacher or SENCo will meet with families to address attendance and lateness issues.

Attendance sheets are discussed with parents/carers where there is a concern and are sent home with each report.

2024-25 Attendance Policy

Parent Attendance Information leaflet

NHS Parent Guidance on Childhood illnesses

Emotional Based School Avoidance information for parents