Pixmore School Council & Eco Council
At Pixmore, some of the roles that children have the opportunity of undertaking are the School Council and the Eco Council. Find out what each of the councils' roles are and what they are planning for this year.
Improving Play Times
The School Council and Eco Council have been working together to find out how we could improve play times. We spoke to our classes and asked them what they thought would make better playtimes.
Some of the ideas included:
- a bouncy castle
- more equipment and activities
- more activities or games run by the House Captains
- being able to mix the year groups and play together
We worked with Mrs Inman to explore different ideas and helped contribute towards the school's new Play Curriculum. Visit the Play Curriculum page to find out what we have created.
The School Council is run by Mrs Willans.
Children vote for their class representatives and we meet every 2-3 weeks to discuss how we can help to improve the school.
One of the most important first decisions the new School Council make is choosing the Golden Ticket prizes for the whole school.
At the end of the year, the School Council presents to the Governors. We get the chance to tell the Governors about all of the things that we have had an impact on over the year.
We have been working with the Eco Council to find out our peers views on the playground, play times and break times including wet play. This is to help Mrs Inman to identify some ways of making our play and break times better.
Some of our initial ideas are:
- More play equipment like goalkeeper gloves for football, basketballs and basket ball posts for every year group
- A bouncy castle!
- Staggered break and lunchtimes to give us more room on the playground
- An outdoor classroom so we can do more outdoor learning
- More wet play games as some have bits missing
- An astroturf for all round sports
The Eco Council is run by Mrs Inman.
Our priorities are to help the school be more environmentally friendly.
We have roles in our classes such as:
- Switching off the lights when we leave for assembly or PE - this helps us save electricity.
- Turn off taps when they are not being used - this helps the school to save water.
- Remind our classes to recycle the white paper we use. We collect the recycling paper in our blue recycling boxes and then help Mr Anderson to empty them.
We spoke to the whole school in assembly about the importance of saving energy and how turning off taps, switching off lights and recycling could help the school do that. We will be giving out stickers to other children who show that they can be 'Green Champions'.
We have sent out our Eco Explorer Award leaflets to all children at Pixmore with the aim of EVERY child gaining their Level 1 Eco Award by the end of the year.
Our Eco Explorer Awards have now been launched! See our slideshow below of the activities we have completed to win our awards.