Rushby Mead
Letchworth Garden City

01462 620555

Pixmore Junior School

Year 3

Meet the Year 3 Team

Happy New Year! 

We look forward to welcoming everyone back for an exciting year filled with fresh opportunities for academic achievements, personal growth, and memorable experiences.

This Spring term, we are starting with the spectacular Writing Project 2025 for literacy!

In Maths, through a range of experiential learning we will be mastering units such as Multiplication, Division, Statistics and Time. Whilst in Science we will be exploring the Human body. 

As part of our creative curriculum, in Music  we will be learning how to play the Ocarina and developing our musicality.

Don't forget, at Pixmore Junior School we are always. . .

 Ready, Respectful and Safe!


Important Reminders

Our P.E Days are Tuesday and Thursday, children should come in wearing their kits.

Ocarina Music lesson, every Wednesday (Children do not need to bring anything in for this).  


Dates for the diary   

Tuesday 7th January 2025 - Children return to school. 

Monday 3rd - Friday 10th February 2025- Children's mental health week

Monday 17th - Friday 21st February 2025Half Term 

Thursday 20th March 2025 - Year 3 Spring Assembly 




Miss Tungamirai

3T Class Teacher

Mrs Johnson 

3J Class Teacher

Mr Willard - P.E Teacher

Mr King - Year 3 Keyworker

 Mrs Thomas -Art & DT Teacher 

Mrs Court - 3T Teaching Assistant

Mrs Baker - 3J Teaching Assistant


 Homework is given out every Friday and is due in the following Thursday

Homework consists of Spellings, Maths and Topic homework. History homework has 8 tasks children must complete 3 of their choice per term. There is also optional Geography tasks. 

Reading must be completed every day, children can read with adults, older siblings who are fluent readers, or by themselves if they are free readers (adult must sign homework diary). 

 We encourage regular practise of timetables specifically 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 for year 3. 


Useful links- 



Weekly Homework

Long Term Plan


Curriculum Booklet and Other Documents