Attendance and Lateness
Good attendance is essential if progress and learning are to be maintained. If your child is absent please telephone the School Office on the morning of the first day of absence, if possible by 9:00am (there is an answerphone so please leave a message if we can’t get
to the telephone).
It is our policy to contact any parent from whom we have not received a message. In this way we can ensure that the whereabouts of all children is known.
Punctuality at the beginning of the school day is vital for life learning habits. If your child arrives after 8:50am they must report to the School Office to be signed in so we can ensure that they are registered on the school system and check any lunch arrangements.
We take non attendance very seriously and make unannounced ‘welfare home visits’ (usually a member of the Senior Leadership Team and a colleague) to check if all is well with the child - whose welfare is our prime concern.
In addition, our Family Support Workers, Head Teacher or SENCo will meet with families to address attendance and lateness issues.
Attendance sheets are discussed with parents/carers where there is a concern and are sent home with each report.
Class 3J